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The View Pre School Group

April 2022 Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,

We have had a lovely Spring Term at Priory View and we hope that you have all enjoyed viewing our activities and learning on our Facebook Page – Priory View Pre School.

Afternoon Sessions

After Easter we are very excited to begin our whole day sessions 9am to 3pm for those families who require them.

We currently have many ‘school leavers’ signed up for these sessions which will be a fabulous opportunity for us to spend some time with them, preparing them for the transition into school. Examples of activities will include scissor skills, pre-reading games, physical activities and forest school activities. The children will bring a lunchbox to preschool and will also receive a mid-afternoon snack and drink.

We still have a few spaces available and you can use your 15 hour funding entitlement for these sessions.

Tax Free Childcare

Please take a moment to see if this is relevant to you – it may help.

GOV UK - Tax Free Childcare


As you may be aware there is a rise in the National Living Wage from April 1st 2022.

In line with these rises there will be a slight increase with our additional service contribution fees starting after the Easter break from Monday April 25th 2022.

The increases are as follows:

Early Education Funded Children - £3.00 Per Session

Non Funded Children - £18.00 Per Session

Curiosity and Wonder – Come and Visit us

We are currently half way through on a year-long journey to achieve a recognised Accreditation with ‘The Curiosity Approach’., an exciting approach to Early Years practice.

As a staff team, we have been reflecting on the learning environment that our Pre-School offers to your little ones and we are now on a journey to make it the absolute best that it can be. We are so excited to be involved with this opportunity.

We want your children to be safe, happy, and to learn through play whilst having fun. We want them to play and learn daily in both the inside and outside environments. Thank you to our visiting parents who have made some wonderful, positive comments about our current provision.

Incremental Weather at Preschool

During cold spells of weather - Please bring your child to preschool in clothing that is very warm and definitely not precious – they will get dirty but they are having fun and learning.

During hot spells of weather – please bring your child to preschool with a high-factor suncream already applied (unfortunately we cannot apply sunscreen due to potential reactions to allergens and the vast numbers of bottles of sun cream that we will then have on the premises.)

Please also provide your child with a named sunhat and a named water bottle for extra hydration during hot periods.o ensure that your child wears closed toe shoes as we will continue to climb and play with large wooden resources outside.

Key Person Visits

All parents are still very welcome to visit the Preschool and to spend some time with their child and their Key Person. These visits will begin again after the Easter holidays. This will enable you to chat with your child’s Key Person and to work together with them to ensure that your child feels known, understood, cared about, and safe within our setting.

To remain COVID cautious, we will organise the visits by appointment, one adult per session (other family members are very welcome to make appointments on different days).

Appointments will be from 9am to 9.30am Tuesdays to Fridays. You will be able to come in with your child at the beginning of the session. Please make an appointment with Christine and we look forward to seeing you all.



We continue to adhere to current Government guidelines. If your child feels unwell please keep them at home.

Change of Contact Details

It is very important that you let us know immediately of any change of address, telephone, email address or mobile contact details. We will be sending out weekly notices and any necessary correspondence to your email address. Please make sure we have your correct email address and that you check your emails regularly to ensure you don’t miss anything!

Easter Holiday Dates

Easter Holidays – Monday 11th April to Friday 22nd April 2022

See you all on Monday 25th April.

Thank you, take care and continue to stay safe.

Kind Regards

Vicky and The Priory View Team