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The View Pre School Group

May 2022 Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome to the Summer Term at Priory View Pre-school. We are looking forward to lots of time outside enjoying nature in the sunshine.

September Hours 2022

The following hours will be offered and can be broken down into shorter sessions if you wish. Priority will be given to our current attending children and families.

Monday to Friday 8.30am to 3.45pm

These sessions can be broken down into the following options:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Morning Session
  • Lunch Club
  • Afternoon Session
  • All day Session

Please see Christine for a pricing leaflet.

Afternoon Sessions

We are very pleased with the popularity of our current new afternoon sessions on a Tuesday and Wednesday. The Early Education Funding (EEF) Entitlement can be used towards these sessions. Please enquire if you have any questions. Your children may then have the opportunity to stay with us from 9am to 3pm if you wish.

We will continue these sessions into September for those who would like them and our opening hours will shortly be advertised on our Website and Facebook pages – Priory View Pre-School.

Tax Free Childcare

Please take a moment to see if this is relevant to you – it may help.

GOV UK - Tax Free Childcare


As you may be aware there is a rise in the National Living Wage from April 1st 2022.

In line with these rises there has been a slight increase with our additional service contribution fees since Monday April 25th 2022.

The increases are as follows:

Early Education Funded Children - £3.00 Per Session

Non Funded Children - £18.00 Per Session

Curiosity and Wonder – Come and Visit us

As COVID guidelines begin to relax and we continue our journey to achieve a recognised Accreditation with ‘The Curiosity Approach’., we would like to offer your other family members the opportunity to come into the Preschool and to spend some time with your child and their Key Person. These visits will be ongoing throughout the Summer Term. This will enable you all to chat with your child’s Key Person and to work together with them to ensure that your child feels known, understood, cared about, and safe within our setting.

To remain COVID cautious, we will organise the visits by appointment, one family member per session.Appointments will be from 9am to 9.30am Tuesdays to Fridays. You will be able to come in with your child at the beginning of the session.

Please see Christine so that we can make an appointment for you to visit. We know that the children will love you all to visit.



We continue to adhere to current Government guidelines. If your child feels unwell please keep them at home. We will advise you on your child’s safe return.

Summer Term Holiday Dates

Summer Term – Monday 25th April to Friday 22nd July 2022

Half Term Break – Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June 2022

Thank you, take care and continue to stay safe.

Kind Regards

Vicky and The Priory View Team