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Included below are links to our policies and procedures to safeguard your child.
Each policy can be downloaded by clicking Download PDF if required.
Making a Complaint (Download PDF)
Children's Rights and Entitlements (Download PDF)
Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults (Download PDF)
Looked after children (Download PDF)
Arrivals and Collection (Download PDF)
Missing Child (Download PDF)
Online Safety (Download PDF)
Supervision of children on short trips, outings, and excursions (Download PDF)
Student Placements (Download PDF)
Confidentiality (Download PDF)
The Role Of The Key Person And Settling In (Download PDF)
Maintaining children’s safety and security on premises (Download PDF)
Promoting positive behaviour (Download PDF)
Health and safety general standards (Download PDF)
Nappy Changing (Download PDF)
Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents (Download PDF)
Valuing diversity, promoting equality and equal opportunities (Download PDF)
Parents and Carers as Partners (Download PDF)
Fundamental British Values (Download PDF)
Administering Medicines (Download PDF)
Admissions (Download PDF)
Managing children with allergies, or who are sick or infectious (Download PDF)
Food and Drink (Download PDF)
Food Hygiene (Download PDF)
Fire Safety And Emergency Evacuation (Download PDF)
Visitor Or Intruder On The Premises (Download PDF)