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Boy and doctor with stethoscope Boy and doctor with stethoscope

Priory View Pre School


Unable to attend

If your child is unable to attend due to illness we ask that you phone as soon as possible to inform us. Unfortunately, fees and sessions cannot be refunded.

If you are in receipt of Early Years Government funding please be aware that, under the Local Education Authority guidelines, you may forfeit funding for the rest of the term if your child has a prolonged absence.

Unwell during a session

If your child develops a raised temperature, nausea or diarrhea then you will be asked to collect your child immediately and we kindly ask them to remain out of the pre-school for 48 hours to prevent illness spreading among the other children.


If during the school day your child has a raised temperature or persistent cough you will be asked to collect them immediately and we recommend getting a COVID-19 test.

If your child or a member of your household has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not bring your child to the pre-school. Follow the guidance issued by the UK Governement.

For more information please see our Coronavirus page.


If your child is required to take medication whilst in our care you will have to fill in a form granting us permission. The form will contain information such as the name of the medicine and when your child is required to take it. We are only able to give children prescribed medication from a doctor, nurse, dentist or pharmacist and it must be in its original packaging and with the prescription label. We will make a copy of the prescription label to store alongside the medicine in a secure suitable location.

Exclusion Period

If your child has any of the below illnesses, we require them to exclude from the pre-school until the time shown in the table. For a complete list please click here.

Infection Exclusion Period
Chicken Pox 5 days from onset of rash and all lesions have crusted over
Diarrhea and vomiting Whilst symptomatic and 48 hours after last symptoms
Diphtheria Exclusion is essential. Please speak to your doctor about when your child can return
Flu (Influenza) Until recovered
Hepatitis A 7 days after onset of jaundice, or 7 days after symptom onset with no jaundice
Impetigo Until lesions are healed or 48 hours after starting treatment
Measles 4 days from onset of rash and recovered
Meningitis Until recovered
Mumps 5 days after onset of swelling
Rubella 5 days from onset of rash
Scarlet Fever Until 24 hours of antibiotic treatment has been completed
Scabies Can return after first treatment
Whooping Cough 2 days from starting antibiotic treatment or 21 days from onset of symptoms if no antibiotics