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Girl covering eyes with cucumber Girl covering eyes with cucumber

Priory View Pre School

Lunch Club

What is Lunch Club?

Our Lunch Club provides a relaxed environment for children attending to learn good table manners and further develop their social skills with their friends.  We feel passionately about promoting healthy eating and therefore ask parents to provide a healthy packed lunch.

When is Lunch Club?

Lunch Club runs from 12:00 until 13.00, Monday to Friday.

How much does Lunch Club cost?

The 15 hours funding per week provided by the UK Government can be used to pay for Lunch Club. Alternatively if you have already maxed out the 15 Hours an additional contribution can be made to cover the cost of Lunch Club. To see the costs please visit our Fees Page.

What does my child need to bring to Lunch Club?

Children will need to bring their lunches in a clearly labelled lunch box. Please try to include a healthy balanced diet to reinforce our healthy early years policy.